Thursday, 31 January 2019 framework installation did not succeed

Installation did not succeed.
.NET Framework 4.6.2 has not been installed because:
A certificate chain could not be built to a trusted root authority.

Cause: No latest windows update.


1. Download this cert and install in local computer trusted root.

Hope this can solve your problem. Thank you for visit this blog.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

#Activate Windows via Phone Windows Server 2012/2016 and Windows 10

1. From Run / Command Prompt, type slui 4.

*Other options

slui 2 = Show activation status
slui 3 = Activation via Internet
slui 4 = Activation via phone
slui 5 = Show all activation methods
slui 6 = Activation wizard
slui 7 = Simulate last day activation

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

#WSUS - The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not logged on to the network. The specific service does not exist. (0x800704DD)

Event Error:
Content file download failed.
Reason: The operation being requested was not performed because the user has not logged on to the network. The specific service does not exist. (0x800704DD)

WSUS error:
The files for this update failed to download. The update can be approved but will not be available to computers until the download is complete. Click Retry Download to start the download again.


1. Confirm log on user for WSUS services and BIT services is correct.

WSUS service:
User: NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService
Pass: Blank

Bit services:
User: Local System account (must run local system account)

2. After change the log on user, Restart both Services and retry download.

Saturday, 1 December 2018

#Lotus Domino Cannot Write To Log File

Error: Cannot write to log file: Database is corrupt --cannot allocate space

Re-create new log.nsf 

1. Close the Lotus Domino Administrator console.

2. Go to Lotus Domino installation location.
    Example: D:\Lotus\Domino\Data

3. Backup the log.nsf file, and then delete the log.nsf. (new log.nsf will create automatically)
4. Re-run the command.

Saturday, 10 November 2018

#Lotus Domino Outgoing Mail Pending

#Lotus Domino send mail not being received
#Lotus notes sending but not receiving

You can check the pending email as below:-

Method: Restart server mail router

1. From Lotus Domino Administrator's server console, run command below.

Tell router quit
load router

2. Make sure both command completed without error.
3. Verify is the mail start to send out. This may take some time. You also can check from Server Console.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Restore Deleted Microsoft Active Directory Object

1. On AD server, open LDP utility

Under run, type ldp.exe.

2. Connect domain

Under Connection, select Connect.

Confirm the domain name and click OK.

3. Bind with the admin user

Under Connection, select Bind.

Enter the admin username and password. Then click OK.

4. Show the Tree

Under View, select Tree.

Click OK.

5. Restore the object

Expand the CN=Deleted Objects

Search for the delete object you wish to restore. Right click on the object and select Modify.

Under Edit Entry Attribute, enter isDeleted, select delete and then click Enter. 

Then change the value below, select Replace and then click Enter.

Edit entry Attribute: distinguishedName
Values: CN:=username,DC=domainname,DC=domainname
(Example: CN:=darren,DC=contoso,DC=local)

Confirm the Entry List, and then click Run.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

#IBM Lotus Control

The installation of the IBM Lotus Control has been blocked or declined.
Do you want to use the IBM Lotus Control on new messages ?


Install IBM Lotus Control ActiveX manually. (You can get the installer in Domino Lotus server)

Example: C:\program files\Lotus\Domino\Data\domino\html\IBM_Lotus_iNotes_ActiveX_Installer_8.5.3.msi.