1. Launch Microsoft Exchange PowerShell.
2. List database in exchange server.
(Mean I have total 2 database)
3. To move All user from
default created database to
new created database.
Get-Mailbox -Database "default database name" | New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase "new database name"
(User mailbox being move to new created database)
4. To check the progress of moving.
Get-MoveRequestStatistics -MoveRequestQueue "new database name"
(Can see the test01 status still in queued. If done, status will show completed)
5. After All competed moved. Remove the move request.
Get-MoveRequest | where {$_.status -eq "completed"} | Remove-MoveRequest
6. Move All system mailboxes. Arbitration or Achive
Get-Mailbox -Database "default database name" -Arbitration | New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase "new database name"
Get-Mailbox -Database "default database name" -Archive | New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase "new database name"
7. To excluded the default created database from provisioning. (mean new mailboxes aren't added automatically into this database, unless manually added.)
Set-MailboxDatabase -Identity "default created database name" -IsExcludedFromProvisioning $true