Sunday, 11 July 2021

#File Server Permission - Failed to enumerate objects in the container. access is denied


Unable to access or delete the folder/file


1. Run command prompt as administrator.

2. Run command as below: (run every single command each time)

  • takeown /F C:\Location_Path
  • takeown /F C:\Location_Path /r /d y
  • icacls C:\Location_Path /grant Administrators:F
  • icacls C:\Location_Path /grant Administrators:F /t
(C:\Location_Path = Your folder/path loacation)

#WSUS - Connection Error. An error occurred trying to connect the WSUS server


1. Close WSUS console. 

2. Go to c:\users\<currentlogonuser>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\MMC.

3. Delete MMC file