Friday, 29 December 2017

#Robocopy - copy file with log, estimate time (bat format)

Script to copy file with log, estimate time (.bat)

* I run this .bat at destination site.

@echo off

REM description

map drive:
net use y: /delete /y
net use y: \\source share folder path

set source=source path
set destination=destination path


robocopy %source% %destination% /s /e /copyall /xo /r:2 /w:5 /fp /eta /tee /v /log:d:\log folder\log"%date:~-4%_%date:~-4,2%_%date:~-7,2%.txt

set path=c:\windows\system32
net use y: /delete /y

Source folder path: \\\data\data1      (folder)
Destination folder path: d:\backup      (folder)
Destination folder path: d:\logs      (folder)

script start from the line below
@echo off

REM Transfer Production to DR

net use y: /delete /y
net use y: \\\data

set source=y:\data1
set destination=d:\backup


robocopy %source% %destination% /s /e /copyall /xo /r:2 /w:5 /fp /eta /tee /v /log:d:\logs\log"%date:~-4%_%date:~-4,2%_%date:~-7,2%.txt

set path=c:\windows\system32
net use y: /delete /y

Thursday, 21 December 2017

#Windows 10 install .net framework 2.0 and 3.5 without internet

Windows 10 install .net framework without internet

Method 1 Use Windows 10 ISO (Installer)

1. Mount the ISO.
2. Open command prompt (run as administrator)
3. Type DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"D:\sources\sxs\Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-On"

Replace drive letter (D:\) with your own ISO drive letter.

Method 2 Download file from internet

1. Download Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-On file from link below.

2.  Place the file in C:\
3. Open command prompt (run as administrator)
4. Type DISM.exe /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-On"

Monday, 18 December 2017

#Veeam Replication and copy backup error

Error: There is active sync task, Job name .....................

1. The target (destination) virtual machine having issue (virtual disk/snapshot corrupted).
2. The replicate virtual machine disk size too big (over WAN accelerator cache size).

Solution 1: Reboot the WAN accelerator server
1. Make sure the you stop the active sync task (job) that mentioned in statistics.
   (example: there is active sync task. Job name xxxxxxxxx...................)

2. Reboot the WAN accelerator (try reboot source first).

Solution 2: Clear WAN accelerator cache
1. From Veeam Backup and Replication, go to Backup Infrastructure --> WAN Accelerators.

2. Right click on the WAN Accelerator server, and select clear cache. 

3. Re-run the replication or backup copy job.

1. Make sure the VM no issue. Especially the virtual disk. Sometime virtual disk corrupted caused by Veeam snapshot. You might need to delete and consolidate all the snapshots.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

#Dell Switch - CLI enable authentication failed

When enter Enable mode, show authentication failed

1. Log in to switch via web.
2. Go system > Management Security > Select Authentication.
3. Under Telnet and SSH, change to enableList

Monday, 31 July 2017

#Configure DELL EQL Storage Management Network Gateway

1. Log in to storage via SSH (Putty)
2. Enter "grpparams def-mgmt-gateway ipaddress (your gateway)"


GroupName> grpparams def-mgmt-gateway ipaddress

Done !!!

Friday, 17 February 2017

#How to upgrade Dell EQL firmware

How to upgrade Dell EQL firmware

*Before upgrade the firmware, please check the current firmware.
How to check Dell EQL firmware

How to identify 32 or 64 bits ? 
Select the 32-bit kit for array models:
PS4000, PS-M4110
PS5000, PS5500E
PS6000, PS6010
PS6500, PS6510

Select the 64-bit kit for array models:
PS4100, PS4110
PS6100, PS6110

How to upgrade Dell EQL Firmware
1. Log in to the EQL Group.
2. Select the member that you want to upgrade.
3. Select maintenance
4. Click on Update firmware, and enter the login password.
5. Select the new firmware file.
6. Select the member going to upgrade.
7. Click on upgrade.
 8. Reboot the storage.